A valuable collaboration between landowners and EE North America.

Why set up solar panels and/or wind turbines?
Solar panels and wind turbines on field sites are a source of long-term income. It is an economically secure investment with a stable return.
Solar and wind energy are both carbon neutral and an attractive, additional crop for landowners who wish to continue with their current agricultural activities. Both solar and wind projects have become cheaper to produce and construct, while green energy sources are becoming more and more popular.
Solar panels and equipment typically cover around 30% of the leased area, while the space occupied by wind turbines is even less. This leaves plenty of space for livestock to graze, allowing farmers to generate further income from the land.
Why collaborate with EE North America?
When you partner with EE North America through 30–40-year leases, we can offer attractive index-linked payments for the use of your land for our wind and solar projects.
These rental payments assure secure long-term income to support your current and future plans.
EE North America’s parent company, European Energy, has a successful track record of developing, constructing, and operating hundreds of MWs of solar and wind projects. Please look at our company presentation, available on our corporate website, for more information on our ambitious goal of developing 10 gigawatts (GW) of clean energy projects in the U.S. by 2026.
Is my land suitable?
Please reach out to our development managers if you are interested in leasing your land to EE North America for a wind or solar project.
Typically, it would be preferable if your land is a minimum of 40 acres, not near residential housing, and close to a grid connection point (33kV or greater overhead powerlines, or a substation).
If you do not have enough land, but your neighbor is also interested, we are happy to work with multiple landowners to achieve the acreage requirement. We would also consider purchasing land.
What are the costs?
All costs associated with developing the site will be covered by us. In the unlikely event that a project is not successfully developed, there will be no cost to you.
What maintenance is needed?
Solar and Wind projects require very little maintenance. Typically, there will only be a few visits per year from a small maintenance team. If any fault arises, our remote monitoring system will immediately notify our in-house asset management team who will take the appropriate action to fix the problem.
How does a project develop?
Throughout the process, you will be able to continue to farm the land as you wish so that your income is not affected.
Our in-house team will manage the entire development process from start to finish, so you will always know whom you are dealing with. If you have specific requests as to how the site is developed, then please just let us know at the outset and we will try and make sure that these are accommodated.
You can see an illustration of the usual stages a wind or solar project will progress through further down on this page.
The process of a typical renewable energy project
View how a typical renewable energy process evolves and the phases that we manage.
Phase 01
Landowner agreement
Phase 02
Phase 03
Approvals & planning
Phase 04
Phase 05
Green electricity
Contact the EE North America project team